jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

Parietal bone


Bone par, located in the upper half of the skull, behind the front, in front of the occipital and temporal above.

It has two faces and four edges.

  exocraneal FACE

Convex presents:
  The superior temporal curved line, which gives insertion to the temporal aponeurosis.
  The inferior temporal curved line, which gives insertion to the temporal muscle.
  The parietal hump.
  The parietal hole for an emissary vein.
parietal bone external face
  endocranial FACE

Concave, it presents:

  The parietal fossa covered by canals to the middle meningeal artery and its branches.
  The semicanal for the superior sagittal sinus.
  The silviana crest, which corresponds to the Sylvian fissure.


It articulates with the opposite parietal forming the sagittal suture smoother whose back is called Obelion.


It articulates with the temporal squama.


It articulates with the front forming the coronal suture.


It articulates with the occipital the lambdoid suture forming
parietal bone inside face

  The anterior is called bregma.
  The posterosuperior is called lambdoidal.
  The truncated anterior part of pterion to articulate with the sphenoid.
  The posterior part of the asterion and articulates with the angle between the scale and the temporal mastoid.

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