1. The sternal angle corresponds to:
incisura clavicular
synchondrosis xiphisternal
Angulo superolateral Handlebar
Notch for the second costal cartilage
2. With respect to the joints of the thorax false point:
Costovertebral are the joints of the head of the rib and the costotransversaria
The interchondral occur between the seventh to tenth cartilages
The manubriosternal and xiphisternal are synchondrosis
The sternocostal are cartilaginous symphysis type
The costotransversario ligament is located between the costal neck and the transverse process
3. In relation to the intercostal muscles false point:
External extends from the costal tubercle to the joint costocondral
The internal has a intercondral part and a part interosseous
Ahead, the intimate reaches about 5 or 6 cm of the sternum
Inspiration act in the external and internal intercondral part, raising the ribs
The intimate, has the same extent and direction of the external fibers
4. With regard to the breast, the false point:
At its top, this firmly attached to the dermis by the suspensory ligaments (Cooper)
It extends from the sternum to the axillary line, and from the 2nd to 6th ribs
The extension of the glandular tissue is greater than the body of the breast
The glandular tissue can reach the epigastric region and axilla
Approximately 75% of lymph nodes draining the parasternal nodes
The pleura is separated from the chest wall by the fascia endothoracic
The pleural cavity is the virtual space located between the lung and parietal pleura
The average wolf right lung is below the horizontal fissure
The esophagus leaves its impression on the medial aspect of the right lung
6. The bottom plane of the upper mediastinum involves:
sternal angle and TIV
incisura clavicular
Jugular notch and VCII
First rib and IT
synchondrosis xiphisternal
7. Regarding the pleural recesses false point:
Are the angles where the parietal pleura see reflected from one wall to another
The costomediastinales pass behind the sternoclavicular joints
The left costomediastinal veers to the left to level IV cartilage left costal
The costodiafragmáticos VIII cross rib in the midclavicular line
The costodiafragmáticos end at the level of the spinous process of TXI
8. With respect to the false lung apex point:
It is covered by a cervical pleura which forms the pleural dome
Pleural dome is enhanced by the membrane suprapleural
It is located in the neck about 5cm above the I costal cartilage
Anteriorly presents the groove of the subclavian artery
Behind it corresponds to the neck of the II rib
9. In relation to the anterior mediastinum false point:
Run by the internal thoracic vessels
In the adult it is occupied by adipose tissue
In the ligaments are the esternopericardicos
In children it is occupied by the thymus
The front face of the sternum is its previous limit
Get phrenic nerve innervation
It continues with the tunica media of the great vessels of the heart
It is fed by the arteries pericardiophrenic
It is internally lined by the parietal lamina of serous pericardium
11. With regard to the epicardium point FALSE:
It's the same visceral serous pericardium blade
It is supplied by coronary arteries
externally covers the myocardium
It is innervated by the leading cardiac system
It borders the parietal pericardium seroro Laminating, the cavity of the pericardium
It occupies most of the sternocostal heart face
On the right edge crosses the middle cardiac vein
Presents muscles anterior, posterior and septal papillary
Supraventricular crest marks the boundary between him and as arteriosus
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