jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

Examination of anatomy head and neck 3

1.-Forman of the nasolacrimal vias in its internal configuration except the following structures
to)Valve Bochdaleck
b) Valve Foltz
d) Valve Huschke
)Valve Frochke
2. The structure of the pinna is given by:
b) Ligaments
c) Muscle and skin coating
d) A and C are correct
3. Are characteristics of the external auditory canal
a) It extends from the shell to the tympanic membrane
b) has a length of 25 mm
c) In its course it has three curvatures
d) The narrowest segment is called itsmo
e) The larger diameter measuring 8 mm and the smallest only 6mm
4. Inserts middle constrictor muscle of the pharynx are:
to)cricoid cartilage
b) To lower the hyoid bone
c) Even greater hyoid bone
d) A and D are correct
)B and C are correct
5. One of the following does not comprise part of the muscles of the soft palate except
a) Tensor soft palate
b) Lift the soft palate
c) Musculo palatolaringeo
d) Musculo uvula
e) palatoglossus muscle
6. One of the following is not part of the lymphatic Waldeyer ring
a) tonsil
b) pharyngeal tonsils
c) laryngeal Tonsils
d) Lingual Tonsils
e) tubal Tonsils
7. One of the following is no limit to the nasal nares
a) lower face of the sphenoid body
b) Transverse process of palatine bone
c) Leading edge of vomer
d) internal pterygoid lamina
e) Wings vómer
8. Point wrong on the edge of fauces
a) uvula palatine
b) palatoglossus Arco
c) Arco palatopharyngeus
d) root of the tongue
e) anterior pillar velum
9. One of the following is not part of the joints and ligaments connecting each laryngeal cartilages
to)cricothyroid joint
b) Joint cricocorniculares
c) Joints aritenocorniculadas
d) Ligament cricopharyngeus
)thyroepiglottic ligament
10. One of the following muscles narrow the isthmus of the jaws, tongue raises and lowers the palatal uvula
to)musculo palatopharyngeus
b) Musculo lift the soft palate
c) Musculo dela uvula
d) palatoglossus muscle
e) tensor velum

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