jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

Anatomy exam of the chest and abdomen

1. With regard to cardiac conducive system signals false:
Specialized myocytes contribute to generate electrical impulses
It is subject to regulation of the autonomic nervous system
By the interatrial septum crossings leading crossing system atrioventricular
It is supplied by coronary arteries
If ischemia may occur myocardial fibrillation
2. With respect to the coronary arteries false point:
Supplying the myocardium during ventricular diastole
The diagonal branches originating from the right coronary
Most of the interventricular septum is supplied by the anterior interventricular artery
Usually left coronary dominance of the right coronary
They are subject to control by the autonomic nervous system
3. Lymph nodes are located at the bifurcation of the trachea are:
upper tracheobronchial
lower tracheobronchial
4. The thoracic splanchnic nerve fibers greater is formed from paravertebral sympathetic ganglia:
5. With regard to the trachea false point:
It is shifted to the left by the aortic arch
His cervical part relates to the pharynx behind
Its smooth muscle and glands receive autonomic innervation
It bifurcates into main bronchus level TVI or ILVT
The membrane closes behind allows expansion of the esophagus during swallowing
6. With respect to the innervation of the pleura false point:
Pulmonary sensitivity depends on the intercostal nerves
The mediastinum is innervated by the phrenic nerve
Referred pain of the mediastinum is located in the neck and shoulder
Irritative stimuli of the rib follows the intercostal nerves
Parietal pain is referred to the chest or abdominal wall
7.-L to Computerized Axial Tomography reveals the presence of a right lung neoplasm extended medially to the wall of the pericardium, which compresses the nerve fibers running along the surface of the pericardium, by of:
Decreased heart rate and spending
Lift the right side of the diaphragm during inspiration
Hürner syndrome
slow gastric emptying
8. With regard to the rectus sheath false point:
Within it are contained the upper and lower epigastric vessels
His previous film consists in the upper two thirds by the external oblique aponeurosis and the anterior division of the aponeurosis of the internal oblique
Inside the third backsheet is formed by the fascia transversus abdominis
The lunate line marks the boundary between the dense parts strong or weak, thin or backsheet
In the lower third of the previous sheet is formed by the aponeurosis of the three wide muscles
9. With regard to point the inguinal canal FALSE:
The front wall is formed by the external oblique aponeurosis and presents the superficial inguinal ring
The top wall corresponds to the lower edge of the external oblique muscle that form the conjoint tendon
The inferior epigastric vessels, the conjoint tendon and the inguinal ligament form the boundaries of the inguinal triangle
The inguinal triangle corresponds to the depression of the inside of the abdominal wall called medial inguinal fossa
Laterally inferior epigastric vessels deep inguinal ring is located
10 .- With respect to the abdomen false point:
Sagittal planes are drawn to divide it into nine regions they are midclavicular and medioinguinales
The bottom of the oblique and transverse abdominal muscle is innervated by the ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric
The lower fibers of the internal oblique muscle aponeurosis bend backwards to form the inguinal ligament
Pain often gastroesophageal reflux is experienced in the pit epigastrica
The navel is located disk-level between LIII and LIV and indicates the level of dermatima TX
1. With regard to stomach the false point:
The antrum is the portion of the pyloric part which lies to the right of the body
Cardiac orifice has a thickening of the circular muscle layer or sphincter cardiafo
Between the bottom of the stomach and esophagus a recess is formed, cardiac incisura
To the left of the esophagus stomach expands and forms the fundus
Lymph rights of the two-thirds of its vertical part drain the gastric nodes iquierdos

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