In this syndrome airspaces are filled with fluid or exudate, occurs mostly by infections whose symptomatic base is alveolitis, sometimes by intra-alveolar hypersecretion can reach a degree of condensation called hepatization, for consistency and density and therefore there is a disappearance of alveolar patency.
differential diagnosis
- Syndrome atelectasis .- there abolition of the vocal vibrations and respiratory system. There nonparalytic RX elevation of the diaphragm.
- Syndrome productive condensation , neoplastic.
- Syndrome condensation pulmonary sclerosis .- Radiographically, the density is higher than in the exudative syndrome.
- Pleuritic syndrome .- There abolition of the vocal vibrations, dullness and respiratory silence.
- Syndrome condensation infarction .
In practice two syndromes should be considered:
I. condensation lobar inflammatory syndrome (lobular) or pneumonic.
II. Lobular syndrome, multifocal or inflammatory bronchopneumonic condensation.
I. syndrome inflammatory condensation lobar (lobular) or pneumonic .
The alveoli are filled with an exudative fibrin-based material and leukocytes, as a result of pulmonary inflammation. The process may be limited to one lobe (pneumonia) or be diffuse as with bronchopneumonia in which there are several parts of the lungs bronchial Lesnar affected component.
Sometimes what ignites is the lung interstitium, as in viral pneumonitis.
clinical picture
Symptoms correspond to those of an infection of the respiratory system. The patient may have chills, fever, dry cough at the beginning and then with purulent expectoration, herrumbroso type sometimes can become hemoptoica.
Physical signs vary according to the extent and depth in which pneumonic focus be for example:
- If pneumonic condensation is removed from the lung surface, the physical examination may be normal.
- If it is of little extension, although it is close to the surface, you can find:
• A slight increase of vocal vibrations.
• Lightweight dullness.
• Rales wet.
If condensation is extensive pneumonic and occupies an entire lung lobe find:
• Inspection: decrease or delay of breathing on the affected side.
• Palpation: vocal vibrations increase.
• Percussion: dullness.
• Auscultation: absence of vesicular murmur, tubal murmur, crackles and subcrepitant crackles, increased bronchophony and áfona pectoriloquia.
complementary tests
Chest radiograph. opacity in fuzzy veil, which rapidly increases in density and sometimes extends adopting a triangular shape to the periphery based on the start. The consolidation process results in a dense, homogeneous, well-defined shade and occupying one or more pulmonary lobes
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