jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

Examination of head and neck anatomy

1. The zygomatic arch is formed by the articulation of:
a) Bone Vomer and temporary
b) ascending process of the maxilla with zygomatic process of frontal
c) malar and temporal bone
d) zygomatic bone with the petrous bone
e) zygomatic process of the malar bone and the zygomatic process of the frontal
2. The tecmen timpani is part of:
a) mastoid process of the temporal bone
b) Scale of the temporal bone
c) Part of the petrous bone
d) None
e) all
3. With respect to the peak of the sphenoid all are true EXCEPT
to)It is the front end of the lower crest sphenoid
b) it is located on the underside of the body of the sphenoid
c) Continue with the sphenoid ridge
d) A and C are correct
)all of them are correct
4. The following structures cross the orbital fissure
to)oculomotor nerve
b) abducens nerve
c) Nerve troclear
d) Only A and C pass
)All are true.
5. The geny processes the muscles insert the following
a) Genipalatino and Genioglossus
b) Genioglossus and genitiroideo
c) Geniohyoid and Genioglossus
d) Geniohyoid and milohioideo
e) Genioglossus and digastricus
6. procerus muscle characteristics are the following except
to)Called pyramidal muscle of the nose
b) One of the inserts ends in the deep surface of the skin
c) it is antagonist muscle medial brow.
d) pulls the skin inferiorly glabellar
e) This innervated by the facial nerve
7. On one canine muscle is incorrect
to)Elevate the corner and upper lip
b) is inserted into the canine fossa
c) This innervated by the facial nerve
d) Is elevator Angulo mouth
e) It is part of the muscles of the mouth
8. One of the following is not part of the occipital bone
to)external occipital protuberance
b) inferior nuchal line
c) Apophysis jugular
d) Arched Eminence
e) sinostosica Crest
9. The muscles of facial expression of joy are except
to)Elevator muscle of upper lip
b) risorius
c) Musculo greater zygomatic
d) Musculo lift angle of the mouth
e) Musculo orbicularis oris
10. The long neck muscle inferiorly inserted:
to)The first three thoracic vertebrae
b) Three last cervical vertebrae
c) above Tubers of the fourth, fifth and sixth cervical vertebra
d) Only A and B

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